Things You Shuid Stop Doing To Be More Productive

Do it today, someday is not a day of the week!

Things You Shuid Stop Doing To Be More Productive
Things You Shuid Stop Doing To Be More Productive

Things You Shuid Stop Doing To Be More Productive

1. Always saying "Yes"

If they want to talk to you, if they want you to do orrieLl 'Inc for them, if they want to meet, check your J norities and your calendar. 
Sag "yes", nn!' I if it doe,n't impact your work. If it does then politely say "no" and refuse the request.

2. Working overtime and not getting proper sleep

Do not overwork and mmoromis, your sleep. If you don't get proper sleep, the more you work the 1-cb, you become. 
In an ideal scenario, 7-8 hours of sleep is required by an adult to nenntivp, consequences. Too much or too less sleep can cause you the productivi r loss. 

3. Avoiding asking for help

If you are stuck at something and you know the expert for that job, ask for help! it will we your tim that you will take figuring out things and you can use it in other important tasks. 
You can't do everuthina on uour own and seeking help doesn't make us less competent.

4. Checking emails every five minutes

Schedule the time to check email( during the day and avoid checking your inbox every 
it will save you from distraction while you are working and you will be more productive in clearing our emoli when you are completely focused on that. 

5. Working in a non-productive work environment

Many people do not realize the importance ,f clean proper lighting, peaceful place and ergonomic furniture. 
Your work environment contribute- much more than you think to your productivity especially during pandemic when most of the people are working from home. 
Make sure your Aiork desk or work pion.

6. Checkinc social media every hour

Everyone will accept that once they start checking the ',HH nn'Hia, it takes almost 15-20 minutes of their time before they ge their attention and focus back to their work. 
Hence, iisable all social media notifications while you are working or schedule a time during the day to check the same.