5 Instagram Mistakes Marketers Must Avoid

5 of the Most Common Instagram, Mistakes Marketers Must Avoid.

5 Instagram  Mistakes Marketers Must Avoid
5 Instagram Mistakes Marketers Must Avoid

5 Instagram Mistakes Marketers Must Avoid

1. Buying likes and followers

when you buy likes and followers, you're getting quantity, not quality. Sure, your numbers might look good, but if your audience is just full of robots who say nothing of value, what's the point.

2. Using poor quality images

Instagram is a visual medium. So if you're going to post something, it should be beautiful —or at least interesting! Even if you don't have access to professional photo skills or a top-notch camera, try shooting with natural light or on neutral backgrounds. 

3. Posting too much or too little

Too few posts and you risk Looking out of touch or being forgotten. Too many posts and you might seem desperate or annoying.

4. Ignoring analytics

Another big mistake marketers make on Instagram is to ignore the data. You should be obsessively tracking the metrics that matter so you can identify trends and growth. 

5. Using too many hashtags

Hashtags are a great way for Instagram users to find your content. They're also a great way for your content to look like straight-up Spam. You can use up to 30 hashtags, but the most common number of hashtags you'll see on Instagram is between one and three per post.