8 Inbound Marketing Strategies Your Startup Needs To Start Using Today

8 Inbound Marketing Strategies Your Startup Needs to Start Using Today

8 Inbound Marketing Strategies Your Startup Needs To Start Using Today
8 Inbound Marketing Strategies Your Startup Needs To Start Using Today

8 Inbound Marketing Strategies Your Startup Needs To Start Using Today


1. Use Facebook to Create a Target Persona

The first and most critical part of creating compelling content is understanding what your target customers want to learn. You need to have an in-depth knowledge of your market so you can react quickly.

2. Survey Your Current Customers and Leads

The easiest way to get to know your target market is through a survey. This doesn't have to be complicated. If you already have an email list, you can send them a simple form through SurveyMonkey. To make this work, you only need to ask one question: "What is your biggest struggle?"

3. Create and Share Compelling Content

The quality of the content you create is the most important feature of your inbound marketing strategy. If you create generic, self-serving articles and videos, you'll never see success. No matter how hard you promote this content or how you designed it to rank well in search engines.

4. Writing Enticing Headline

The most important piece of the work you create is the headline. This is what will drive the most clicks and draw in new traffic. You should spend lots of time crafting a headline that appeals to your most targeted customers.

5. Make Your Content More Visual

Humans love visual content. For your content to appeal to your ideal readers, make sure there's more to it than just large blocks of text. Including lots of images, charts, and graphs is a technique I use to make my content more appealing, and I'm not alone. 

6. Write In-Depth Data-Driven Articles

Instead of writing short posts, you should be doing extensive research and producing in-depth content. long-form content generates eight times more page views, nine times more leads, and three times more social media shares than short-form content. 

7. Use Storytelling in Your Content

Just because you base your content around data and analysis doesn't mean it needs to be dry and academic. You should work to produce the opposite type of content. You want to create articles that tell a story.

8. Make a Habit Out of Guest Posting

When you look at the data, you'll find that guest blogging is the best inbound marketing strategy. This is because it provides you with backlinks, authority in the space, and relationships with key influencers.